
Amplify the impact of your data

Publisher is a tool for connecting, protecting, and sharing your omics data over open standards, all in one place.

Integrates with

Microsoft Azure
Amazon Web Services workflow
Google Cloud workflow

Connect all of your data in one place

Publisher makes it easy to connect and manage all of your omics and health data — medical records, genome sequences, images, and much more — in one place. Publisher maintains an up-to-date index (not a copy) of your data across popular object stores and relational databases.

Publisher hub
Keep it organized with Collections

Keep it organized with Collections

Like making a playlist in your favourite music app, you can keep your omics and health data organized by adding them to Collections, which you can name and give a detailed description.

Standardize your data in one click

Publisher reduces the cost and complexity of standardizing your data. With one click, you can enable APIs on your data that are compliant with internationally recognized open standards created by the Global Alliance for Genomics & Health.

Access policies

Protect your data with Access Policies

You can make sure that only the right people have access to your data by setting up Access Policies. You can make your data public or controlled, accessible only by a list of people you add by email.

Amplify your impact by connecting to Networks

By connecting a Collection to one or more networks powered by Explorer, scientists can easily find, request access, query, and analyze your data. You can connect your data to one of our public networks, or host your own.

Connecting to networks
Data policy control

Keep control of your data at all times

Publisher is designed to keep you in control of your data at all times. Rest assured, knowing that Publisher does not copy your data and that your data can be accessed only by users you trust.

Enterprise implementation of open standards

Omics AI is built by global leaders in open science and interoperability. It implements open standards created by the Global Alliance for Genomics & Health (GA4GH) and other internationally recognized standards bodies.

Global Alliance for Genomics & Health

Privacy, security and interoperability by design

All our products are built with security and privacy in mind to help you be compliant with international privacy standards and regulations.

General Data Protection Regulation (Europe)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act