
An App Store for Omics

A curated collection of best practices workflows for processing omics and health data.

Featured Workflows

Whole Genome Sequencing Variant Pipeline

Analyze human PacBio whole genome sequencing (WGS) data to produce sequence alignment and variant calls for a sample or cohort.
alignment fastq genome hifi

Sentieon Germline Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis

Align reads to the reference genome, call variants, and calculate quality metrics using Sentieon.
alignment germline variants wgs

HiFi Target Enrichment

Analyze targeted HiFi sequence datasets using PacBio read data. Call and phase small and structural variants.
alignment fastq genome hifi
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure
On Premises

Human de novo Assembly

Generate de novo assemblies from PacBio read data. Supports single-sample and trio-based assemblies.
alignment fastq genome hifi

DRAGEN - Whole Genome Germline Single Sample Analysis

DRAGEN functional equivalence germline SNP and indel discovery in human whole genome sequencing data.

Sentieon Long Read Germline Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis

Perform alignment and variant calling for SNPs, small indels, and structural variants using Sentieon.
alignment fastq long-read sentieon variants wgs

Sentieon Somatic Variant Calling

Compare tumor/normal samples and call somatic variants using Sentieon.
alignment normal tumor variants

Metagenome-Assembled Genomes

Identify high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from PacBio HiFi data.
assembly hifi mag metagenomics